Become a pool cleaning expert with these easy swimming pool maintenance practices and enjoy a sparkling clean and healthy swimming pool all season long. Photo by Juan Salamanca.
With record-breaking heatwaves seemingly engulfing the entire planet, there’s no better time to indulge in the idea of a refreshing pool right in your own backyard. Whether you already have a sparkling pool in your backyard or are considering installing a new swimming pool, the allure of a cool and inviting oasis is hard to resist. But if you’re worried about pool maintenance, fret not! Read on for simple daily, weekly, and monthly tips to help you keep your pool healthy, clear, and running smoothly throughout the hot weather season.
With our expert advice, maintaining your pool will be a breeze, leaving you with more time to relax and enjoy the splendor of your personal paradise. Let’s dive in and make this summer unforgettable!
Daily Pool Maintenance: Keep Your Pool Pristine with a Surface Skim
To start your pool maintenance routine, set aside a few minutes each day to keep things clean and in optimal condition.
a. Skim the Surface:
Using a net, diligently remove debris such as leaves and twigs from the water. This simple practice not only keeps your pool looking inviting but also helps maintain proper water circulation, reducing the need for additional chemicals. Make sure to continue this routine year-round, unless your pool is covered during the off-season. If you notice a constant drop in the water level, it might indicate a leak, and in such cases, it’s best to seek help from a professional pool service.
b. Monitor Water Level:
Regularly check the water level, as pools can lose water to evaporation, especially during hot weather. A significant decrease in water level may be a sign of a leak, requiring further investigation and potential pool repairs.
Weekly Pool Maintenance: A Thorough Sweep for a Sparkling Pool
Aim to devote some time each week to deeper cleaning and testing to keep your swimming pool sparkling and the water balanced.
a. Vacuum the Pool:
To effectively clean your pool, treat the vacuum just like a regular one on a rug—move it in slow, linear passes. Avoid going too fast, as it can stir up dirt without proper suction. If your pool is exceptionally dirty, pause to empty the pump strainer before continuing. Repeat this process as many times as necessary to ensure all debris is removed from the pool’s floor.
b. Test Chemical Balance:
Maintaining the right chemical balance is crucial for water clarity and swimmer comfort. Test the pool’s chemical levels weekly, including pH, chlorine, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Adjust as needed to keep everything within the recommended ranges. You can find pool water testing kits at your local hardware or pool store.
Here are the ranges you should keep in mind for proper pool water maintenance:
Aim for a pH level around 7.5. Maintaining the right pH prevents equipment corrosion and excessive green algae growth.
Calcium Hardness:
Maintain a balanced level between 200 to 400 ppm. Too low or too high calcium hardness can damage your pool’s surfaces.
Target a total alkalinity of approximately 120 to 150 ppm. The right alkalinity range ensures stable pH levels and prevents staining or cloudiness.
Use chlorine sticks, granules, or tablets to disinfect and sanitize your pool water. Keep chlorine levels stable for a clean pool.
High phosphate levels can lead to green and cloudy water, promoting algae growth and hindering proper pool chemistry.
Monthly Pool Maintenance: Detect Issues Early - Watch for Signs of Trouble
Perform more in-depth checks on a monthly basis to identify and address any potential issues promptly.
a. Inspect for Cracks and Leaks:
Inspect your entire filter system area, including the pool pump, filter, heater, chlorinator, and all O-rings or connections. Look for signs of cracks or leaks, as catching them early can prevent major problems down the road.
b. Specific Tips for Saltwater Pools: Keep a Healthy Balance
If you have a saltwater pool, follow these additional monthly maintenance steps to ensure optimal performance:
Salinity Levels:
Use a salt meter to check that the salt level in your pool is around 3200 parts per million. This ensures the chlorine generator can efficiently convert salt to chlorine for sanitization.
pH Levels:
The ideal pH for saltwater pools is 7.4. Regularly test the pH and adjust as necessary to maintain a balanced pool environment.
Calcium Hardness:
Check the calcium hardness level monthly. If it is too low or too high, use a suitable chemical agent or hardness increaser, readily available at your local hardware or pool store.
By following these daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance practices, you’ll keep your swimming pool in top-notch condition, providing a safe and inviting oasis for your family and guests all season long. Remember, proper pool maintenance not only enhances your pool’s longevity but also ensures your enjoyment of it for years to come. Dive in and start taking care of your backyard oasis today!

If you need help with cleaning your pool, pool repair, or any other home maintenance project, find local contractors near you in our home improvement, maintenance, and repair professional contractor directory. Help take the hassle out of maintaining your home and property and dive into our home service contractor directory today to find the perfect local expert for your next project!